For Caregivers, Couples and Families
I offer counselling and self-care skills for caregivers, partners or spouses who are supporting a family member or friend diagnosed with cancer.
Issues I work with:
Communication skills and relationship skills for adjusting to cancer diagnosis and treatment.
How our perception of the family member diagnosed with cancer changes our attitude about others and ourselves.
Coping and emotional problem solving skills to manage chronic stress and uncertainty.
Emotional support for grief, loss, depression, fear, loneliness and helplessness.
Life style adjustment in managing practical life tasks and changing roles in the family system.
Self-care strategies: mindfulness practice, balancing caring for self while caring for other.
Support for palliative care and bereavement.
Exploring spiritual beliefs and practices, holding on to hope and gratitude.
Counselling and Art therapy for Children and Youth
I work with children and youth who are adjusting to a family member diagnosed or receiving treatment for cancer. I offer Art Therapy and Talk Therapy for children and youth who are diagnosed with cancer.
Issues I work with:
Learning how to identify, express and manage emotions.
Learning how to manage stress and cope with change.
How to support a family member diagnosed with cancer.
Expressing feelings and needs to other family members and peers.
Understanding how the medical system works to heal people who live with cancer.
Balancing school, peer and community experiences.
Bereavement and grief counseling when a family loses a loved one to cancer.